Wednesday 14 August 2019

#16 - Top of 2018

Subsignal - La Muerta (Gentle Art of Music)

The spiritual successors of Sieges Even, returned  in 2018 with their 5th full-time release, featuring "new" members Markus Maichel and Dirk Brand in Keyboards and Drums, respectively. Dirk did also previously collaborate with the band in their previous record "The Beacons of Somewhere Sometime", but this is the first record he is featured as a full member of the band. Prog rock fans familiar with the latest period of Sieges Even and the previous work of Subsignal, are by now familiar with the way these records work; they are not to be consumed in a singular track manner, but should be rather taken as a holistic experience, with a music motif extant throughout each record expanding in various ways throughout the record and reaching its natural conclusion as the album reaches its end. The success of each individual record, in terms of artistry is always dependent on whether the band is able to successfully convey its main theme and derivatives, but at the same time succeed in differentiate between tracks in such a manner as to not be construed as repetitive.  This exactly is where the present record is superior to its predecessor; it creates an immersive environment for the bands music to grow and their ideas to flourish without forcing its hand.

...And delivers a prog masterpiece worthy to be considered among the best prog records of 2018!


Below is the official single version for titular track "La Muerta"

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