Tuesday 27 March 2018

#12 - Top of 2017

Diablo Swing Orchestra - Pacifisticufs (Spinefarm Records)

Diablo Swing Orchestra (DSO) are back after a long break following the release of "Pandora's Pinata" with a new album which once again challenges the boundaries of genres and ventures boldly to new styles of music featuring genres from bluegrass to disco.  There are only a few bands with as unique a sound as DSO and despite rumours of disbandment after the break-up with ex-singer Ann-Louise Loegdlund, the band returned with a worthy follow-up to its equally excellent predecessor.  There are, as always symphonic prog, swing and metal elements to the record but they are enhance by new musical ventures as well. In particular one might hear elements of Balkan folk, tango, country, disco and string compositions all mixed in a frantic melodic ensemble. Some of the most intriguing tracks include "The age of vulture culture" which combines Balkan music with waltz elements, "Jigsaw Hustle" which is a clear tribute to cheesy disco bands and "Knuckleheads", which features a crossover of a musical with bluegrass music.  Of course there are tracks that are throwbacks to previous eras of the band ("Karma Bonfire", "Interruption") but these not only don't distract from the newest elements, but blend perfectly within the complete musical package that is Pacifisticufs.


Below is the bass play-through for "The Age of Vulture Culture"

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